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Automobile and Rail Transportation School

2022-05-24  Click []

Automobile and Rail Transportation School

Automobile & Rail Transportation School has two undergraduate majors:vehicle engineering and automobile service engineering, and three higher vocational majors: automobile inspection and maintenance technology, urban rail transit vehicle technology and electromechanical integration technology. The School has a total enrollment of 1,170 students and 39 faculty members. Among 29 full-time teachers, there are 3 professors, 8 associate professors, 17 lecturers, 1 teaching assistant, 4 doctors, 19 masters, and 2 German experts. Most of the full-time teachers have working experiences in enterprises and have engaged in advanced studies in Germany, Australia and Japan.

The School has 26 specialized laboratories and training workshops, which can meet the needs of basic and practical teaching for different majors, such as automobile engineering, mechatronics and rail transit vehicle technology.

The School has extensively carried out in-depth international cooperation and school-enterprise cooperation with well-known enterprises such as Volkswagen automatic transmission, Bosch Automobile Service Co., Ltd., China Automotive Technology & Research Center Co., Ltd., Tianjin Rail Transit group, and CRRC.


Automobile and Rail Transportation School

Automobile Service Engineering Major

Vehicle Engineering Major


